
This section contains all the public deliverables of the project, from M1 until the end of the project.

Requirements Specification (Year 1)

Energy efficiency is part of the EU’s Europe 2020. Within this frame, Cloud computing has the potential for energy saving among the centralization of data centres hardware and virtual infrastructures, but it doesn’t include platform and software application in its approaches.

Architecture Specification (Year 1)

ASCETiC complements Cloud computing developments by addressing the carbon footprint and efficiency of the software that runs on cloud infrastructures. The major contribution to the carbon footprint of Cloud computing software is energy consumed in its operation. Thus the primary aim of ASCETiC is to relate software design, energy use and ecological awareness.

Market Analysis (Year 1)

This report is the second complementary document of ASCETiC Requirements Specification (Year 1). The aim of this document is to perform an initial market analysis to understand what the current market trends are and how the market is expected to evolve in this first year of the project, and also to allocate the project inside the market.
Main steps of a market analysis, including context and trends analysis, value proposition, stakeholder analysis and research on current solutions and initiatives are fully covered on this document, all of them in a dedicated section.

State of the Art (Year 1)

This report complements ASCETiC Requirements Specification (Year 1) and documents the state of the art in the technology areas of the project plus the progress to be done by ASCETiC. Its purpose is to clarify the baseline, progress and state of the art that ASCETiC will address.
The document is structured in three different sections related to the Cloud service life cycle development, deployment and operation and a fourth section on economics of green Clouds.

Verification & Validation Approach (Year 1)

Due to the lack of Energy resources, gaining in energy efficiency is a very cost effective way to enhance security of the energy supply while reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. Although Cloud computing offers the potential for energy saving through centralisation of computing and storage technologies at large data and computing centres, few mechanisms have been explored and exploited so far to reduce energy consumption.

Static Energy Efficiency

This document explains the scientific contributions of the components that form the ASCETiC architecture, and how every layer will be used by the corresponding roles interested in their functionalities. The key action of this first year of the project was to make all layers energy-aware and thus the majority of the components follow this objective. Thus energy consumption in applications can be measured by feeding the whole ASCETiC architecture with energy information.

Testbed Status Report (Year 1)

This document describes the status of the ASCETiC testbed as well as its main components, according to the architecture referred on the Architecture Specification (Year 1) document also available for download, and the tests performed during the first year of the project, following the strategy introduced in Verification and Validation Approach (Year 1) document available on the website.

Dissemination, Collaboration and Standardization (Year 1)

During this first year of the project, the activity has been concentrated on the generation of awareness about the project in order to establish interest for the first release of the ASCETiC Toolbox. For this reason, different strategies have been followed in the three main areas of the document and finally the impact has been measured in order to update the strategy and determined the plan for the next year.

Verification & Validation Approach (Year 2)

During the first year a Validation & Verification approach, focused on energy awareness was developed. For the second year this process is broaden, as it not only keeps addressing energy awareness but verifying that self-adaptation at each layer of the Cloud stack in isolation is implemented as specified. The verification process addressess key aspects of the ASCETiC Toolbox (including testbeds, IaaS components, PaaS components, SaaS components and the integration of the different architecture layers), while the validation process relies again on scenarios from the Industry Pilot cases.

Architecture Specification (Year 2)

In Year 1, research has focused on how to deliver energy awareness in all system components. In Year 2, the focus is on the addition of capabilities required to achieve dynamic energy management per each of the Cloud layers, in other words intra-layer adaptation.
