Submitted by Anonymous on
This webinar presents the infrastructure management tools developed in ASCETiC, as well as insights about how to install and use them.
ASCETiC IaaS layer is in charge of the admission, allocation and management of virtual resources through the orchestration of a number of components. Energy consumption is monitored, estimated and optimized using translated PaaS level metrics. These metrics are gathered via a monitoring infrastructure and a number of software probes.
This layer provides the following capabilities:
Deployment and operation of virtual machines according to multi-objective criteria: price minimization, energy efficiency maximization and QoS maximization.
Real time monitoring at virtual machine level based on advanced energy models that decompose hardware metrics into virtual machine metrics.
A pricing model that incentivizes energy-efficient scheduling and management of resources.
Service Level Agreement analysis and enforcement during negotiation and operation stages.
State of the art, OpenStack-based Cloud infrastructure management.